Sunday, November 4, 2007

Good Music for Travelling with Kids

I had never put much thought into this until a wonderful friend offered to lend me some cds for a drive to my hometown, New Orleans. She had a cd called Steve Songs by Steve Roslonek. My son loved them and it helped to make the drive seem a lot shorter. Some songs are better than others but I found them pretty fun to listen to. I've also checked out some cds from our library, including books on cd. My son like this but only for about a half hour at a time. Another friend gave us a Red Grammer cd, Teaching Peace. This friend is of the Baha'i faith and I believe the singer may also be. However, there is no preaching on the cd, but messages that I think are wonderful and common to most religions (use words instead of violence, be kind, etc.). My son is crazy about this cd too! Another one we like is the Imagination Movers. I plan on getting New Orleans Playground soon. I've heard good things about that one too.
Of course we usually have the dvd player along but I try to alternate with music.